Friday, February 25, 2011

Yep, it's the big C

Well, here we are... the biopsy has been done, and the results are... breast cancer.  At fricking 36.  What the fuck!?  So now I have to have genetic testing done to see if I have a gene mutation (BRCA 1 or BRCA2).  If so then not only do I lose both boobs, but my ovaries as well.  Yay.  So while I'm trying to remain positive (hey, I get a boob job, maybe a tummy tuck, maybe no shaving for a while, maybe no more periods), I'm scared as hell that this has spread.  I'm getting a PET scan to see if it's stayed local or spread to other places in my body... this is happening Tuesday.  Until then I just - wait.  Ugh! 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crap times two...

Well, the docs office called to tell me that "there is definitely a solid mass there, and it appears to have some malignancy present."  Damn.  I was really hoping that I was just overreacting, and that they would come back saying it was just a cyst.  So now I have to wait (again!) til next Wednesday for a consultation with a surgeon, who will then at a later date take a biopsy which I will then wait longer to find out the results of.  All this waiting... and I want it done YESTERDAY!!  I'm not a patient person, and this is not working very well for me!

Meanwhile, telling my parents was not great.  My mom took it well enough I think, but my dad... His mom (my grandmother) died of breast cancer.  I think this is making him relive all those moments all over again.  I know it's making me think of her... but I keep telling myself that it isn't the same as it was back in the 80's, a lot more is known about cancer now, and many MANY more options are available to me...

Of course, I can still hold out hope that it's benign...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Well crap.

Went to the OB/GYN... I got a stronger dose of Zoloft (100 mg instead of 50) for my PPD, and she checked out my boob lump.  I have to go get an ultrasound and mammogram Wed morning to determine if it's a cyst, tumor, or what.  I gotta tell you, I don't know if I want an answer to that.  What if it's bad?  All I can think of right now is what will happen to my family if I'm sick.  I mean REALLY sick...  Will my boys be OK if something happens to me? Will my husband?  I can't help but think not... I know I wouldn't be ok if something happened to any of them!  So here I sit, waiting to go get these tests over with and figure out what the next step is.  Pray to GOD that it's nothing!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's been forever!

Wow it really has been a long time since I've posted on here.  Key West was an absolute BLAST! A well-needed getaway for my husband and I.  But now we're home, and even though the boys are growing up so fast, faster than I could imagine possible, I feel this... sadness.  Ok, so I DO have postpartum depression, and maybe I just need my meds to be adjusted.  Who knows. All I know is I sometimes think my kids would be better off with a different mommy, one that can handle basic problems without a) screaming her head off or b) going into a complete panic attack.  Ugh. This feeling is not nice.  So I have an appointment with my OB/GYN tomorrow, where after she takes a look-see at my girly parts I will discuss these issues with her and see what she thinks.  My hubbie just wishes I would ask where my libido went... Lol!  And then there's the weird lump in my boobie that's causing all sorts of crazy thoughts to go through my head.  Geez....  I'm a mess!!