Friday, August 28, 2009

Toddler Bed

Ok, so we've moved Riley (our 16 month old) into a toddler "big boy" bed in preparation for the new baby (we needed the crib!). He had no problem going to sleep in the bed, and cracks us up as we watch him in the monitor in the mornings... he gets out of bed, grabs toys, and jumps back in bed grinning the whole time like he's getting away with something sinister. It really is just cute! But two nights in a row (it hasn't even been a week yet) he's fallen out of the bed at night cause he squirms around everywhere in that bed!! Good thing it's low to the ground! Not that we don't laugh at him, cause he always has this drugged, half asleep look that says "What the hell just happened", but I feel bad for him! I mean, should I put a side rail up so that it stops him from falling out? Or just let him fall out and hope that he learns to not fall out? I just don't know... he stayed in last night, so at least that wasn't 3 nights in a row. I'm just worried that he'll eventually hurt himself, since at least one time (not sure about the second time) he fell out on his head (and then flipped over, wrapping himself in his blanket in the process which made me laugh all the harder... I love video monitors!). I know... not good mommy behavior!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

In the beginning...

So here I am, a 34 year old mother of one (a 16 month old boy), expecting another boy in a month. What makes me think that I possibly have time to write about anything? I'm not sure yet... a fit of insanity I suppose. But I figure that this is a good way to get my thoughts down about this crazy life that I seem to have, plus it just gives me something to look forward to while on maternity leave next month. So here it is...

Like I said, I'm 34, mother to one, one on the way. Have been married, divorced, and remarried (for 2 years in Sept) and am now for the first time in my life truly satisfied. Which is to say that I'm not trying to figure out a way to off my husband and get the insurance money while staying out of jail, or trying to figure out a better career path, or lamenting about how I'm an old woman with no children and no prospects of them, or trying to find the "perfect" man (all of which have happened at some point in my life). I just moved into what to my husband and I's delight is a perfect house (with lots of imperfections that need addressing, but still...). We have a cat and a dog, both of which drive us crazy. But we're living big, and taking no prisoners! So there!

Anyways, so here it is, my blog o' crazy. I'll post stuff about the upcoming birth of Eli, our fix em up projects, my rantings, you know, fun stuff! Hope you enjoy the journey with me... if you're even out there!