Thursday, May 27, 2010

My husband's job is driving ME crazy!

My husband works really hard at his job. And I understand that he's in charge and all that. But he's the one who is supposed to pick the boys up from daycare so that I can get supper ready. Invariably, at least once a week (more lately), he calls me at the last possible minute to tell me he's gonna be late and needs me to pick up the boys. Which is fine, but he chooses the very moment when I'm passing the turn to daycare to tell me this. Oh and says he may need me to pick them up. MAYBE?! Either YES or NO... I'm at a critical turn here!!! Ugh. Then he gets mad cause I'm yelling, "YES OR NO ALREADY!!!" I'm not the calmest person... So now it's MY job to pick up the kids. And make supper. And do laundry, and feed them, change them, get them up in the morning, ... WTF? When did I become a single mom? And what's bad, is I know for a fact that he helps out way more than other dads. Sigh. Being a mom can be really tiring sometimes.

But then I see Riley dance around the house, singing in his little voice incoherant words that only he understands. And Eli sits up by himself for the first time, and scoots around everywhere. And they laugh their little hearts out while the dog chases them down and licks the crap out of them. And then I remember why I do all this...

As Riley would say... "Oh well"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yeah right

I thought I could actually keep up with this blogging thing! HA! After the baby was born the house turned into a chaotic madhouse, complete with the resident lunatic (me). As if gestational diabetes wasn't quite enough, I had (have?) a bout with postpartum depression that made me an anxiety ridden bitch. Ok, so I'm an anxiety ridden bitch anyways, but it was infinity worse! So here I am, 8 months later, wondering where the time has gone. Away, that's where. And I'm now wishing for just one more baby... am I smoking crack!?! I think so... Cause clearly a 35 year old crazy mother of 2 (one 2 year old and one 8 month old) should NOT want another baby! But my friends are all preggo again, and it makes me long for that new exciting feeling you get when you know that you're gonna be bringing another little soul into the world. Fresh, new and not tainted by your rantings. You know what I mean? So while my heart is longing, my head (and my tired husband) tell me no way. Actually my husband's exact words were "if you say that again, I'm sticking it in your butt." Hmph. Nuff said.