Monday, August 2, 2010


Oh I'm so very excited! My DH and I are going to Key West in September for our anniversary!!!  YAY!!!  We never really had a honeymoon since someone (ahem) was preggo for the wedding.  We went to New Orleans for the weekend and stayed on Bourbon Street, but I was still in my first trimester and miserably nauseous the whole time, making it a less than romantic weekend.  So now we're gonna relive that whole honeymoon thing in the Keys.  Neither of us have been there, so it'll be something new for each of us.  The boys are staying at Grandma's house, so we don't have to worry so much about them either... they love it there!

So in other news... what do y'all think about a boy playing with a pretend kitchen?  I think it's fine (and if he wants to cook us supper later on in life, I have no problem with that!), but DH seems to think it's too "girly."  I bought him a stir fry kit and a grill kit to play with and he LOVES it... the next logical step for Christmas seems to be a pretend kitchen, right?  I mean it doesn't have to be pink with curtains for God's sake... they do make unisex kitchens!  And I think he'd really love it!  Now to convince the man...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So, I've been gone for a while... my family went on vacation.  Actually, we went visit family in Georgia, but that's as much of a vacation as I'm likely to get these days, so...
I was terrified elated with all the time I'd get to spend with my family in the car (11 hours, give or take), and was actually surprised to find that Eli slept most of the way, and Riley didn't mind sitting in a car seat that long. Huh.  We went to the Braves/Tigers game (Detroit won! Yay!), the Tellis Science Center (museum? whatever), took a boat ride around Lake Lanier, and just had a great time.  Then we had to come home....  BOOOOO!  I need a job that pays me to lay around at the beach all day eating bon-bons.  Anyone know where I can get that job?  Being with my family for a week or so nonstop just made me wonder if my kids wouldn't be better off with a "soccer mom" who stayed home all day making crafts with them and taking them to the pool...  But then we wouldn't have the house we're in now, and we'd live paycheck to paycheck, which, after doing that for years, both my husband and I agree sucks ass.  So I'm back at work, missing hanging out with my munchkins.  *Sigh*  Well, it was fun while it lasted!

Captain Riley at the helm

Eli happy as can be on the drive home

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Date night and Tosh

I've got a date tonight with my husband! Yay! My mom is watching the boys so my hubbie and I can go to dinner.  Of course I wanted her to take them Friday night, but she has a more active social life than I do, and is going out Friday. And Thursday. And Sunday.... you get the picture.  So we'll go eat somewhere, sneak home really quick for some sexy time, and then go get the boys.  Yeah, I think my life has become a little sad when I get excited about something that most people just do...

On another note, I get to go see Daniel Tosh live! I love him, he's such an equal opportunity offensive guy... It's in October.  I only have 4 months to wait and think about how damn funny it's gonna be.

That's all I've got today... maybe something exciting will happen over the weekend...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summertime Quiz...

Well, since I have nothing really going on in my life, I decided to cheat and copy someone else's idea!  So thanks to MannLand5

Getting to know YOU
and Marianne at "Diary of a Fickle White Woman" I give you the following:

1. If you could have one of Superman's, powers which one would you want? Superhuman strength..Flight..Superhuman speed..X-Ray vision..etc
Definitely flight... that way I wouldn't have such road rage, and my kids wouldn't yell "GO" everytime I get angry at tards on the road...

2. The best thing I ever won is....?
Hmmm, see this implies that I've won something other than school stuff.  I can't think of one thing I've won...

3. Have you ever skyped with a bloggy friend?
I've never skyped period.

4. What is your favorite Summer month?
Ok, so technically it's Spring, but I live in Louisiana and summer starts EARLY... so I say April/May

5. Pool, Lake, or Ocean?
Trick question?  I like the pool cause, well, I'm less likely to drown there.  Lakes and the ocean creep me out to an extent, cause I don't know what kind of creepy crawly stuff in around me.  But I LOVE the sand and beaches, so... ocean?  Though I did almost drown (literally... great story, maybe fodder for tomorrow's blog) the last time I was in the ocean...

6. One of my favorite Summer memories is.....?
Camping with my dad, uncle, and cousins when I was a kid... it was always an adventure! Think of the Griswald's summer vacations... that was us!

7. What's your favorite secret bargain?
There are secret bargains out there? Why hasn't anyone told me?!

8. Do you plan on or have you been watching the World Cup?
I don't WANNA watch, but my husband used to play soccer so...
So these are my answers... Happy summer all!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


First a little background:  I have a confession to make... Hello, my name is Rachel, and I'm an avid online shopper.  Not that I actually buy lots of stuff online (or otherwise), I just love to look.  But when I do have to buy something, the first thing I do is look to see how much of a hassle it will be to buy it online, cause I don't have time to go to the store, what with lugging two little boys with me.

Now for my second confession... I have severe anxiety about calling people on the phone.  Not people I know, because they already know I'm an idiot, but other people don't!  My husband of course takes every opportunity that he can to make me call people for just this reason (to make me get over it... yeah whatever!).  So I avoid calling people at all costs...

So now my story:  I bought some shoes from the Zappos website.  Remember that I'm an idiot with memory loss? Yeah, well I put my old address for the shipping address (we haven't lived there in over a year... duh.).  I immediately (as soon as I clicked "buy now") realized my mistake, so I did the inevitable... I called customer service.  You know by now that I hated having to do this, and I could feel my heart racing as I dialed the number.  The recording picked up and this is when I realized how much I LOVE Zappos!  Prompt number 5 on their customer service line is the joke of the day.  No really!  I was so tempted to press 5, but then would have gotten distracted away from my original task at hand (I did call back afterwards to hear the joke... and have since called back a few times.  The number is 1-800-927-7671 if you wanna hear it for yourself).  So I pressed the appropriate button and spoke to the friendliest customer service person I've ever spoken to!  She didn't make me feel dumb in the least about not knowing where I lived!  I had a refund before I even hung up the phone! I love them!  So I went to their website and facebook pages to sing their praises. I am now a VIP member of their site, where I get free next day shipping on anything I buy from them... YAY!!

Here's the rest of the story.  Yesterday I was contacted by someone writing a book about the Zappos company asking me if I would be willing to share my experience with them in a book.  A book!!!  Hell yeah!!!  I've never been so excited about something so dumb in my life! (Ok, that's probably not true, I've been excited about LOTS of dumb stuff)  But still...

So that's my story about my new fetish.  Yep, doesn't take much to make me happy... Well, gotta go, got more shopping to do!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Memory Loss

I have it... and it sucks.  The fact is, I can't remember anything anymore without writing it down first, except I keep forgetting the book I carry around to write down said things.  I keep calling my sons by the dog's name.  By the time I get home, I don't remember what the daycare lady said they need for the next day.  It's a sad, sad thing folks. 

When I was preggo with the boys, I assumed it was blood being sucked out of my brain to give to the kid.  But nope, I think having kids just sucks all the little neurons right out, so that you just have no memory of anything.  What's worse is my co-workers have kids too, so we sit around trying to remember things together, you know, complicated stuff like "hey what's 9 times 4 again?".  You get the picture.

The irony of this post is that it isn't even what I planned to blog about today.  I just can't remember what I had thought of earlier to talk about.  Nice, huh?  It was something awesome though, I'm sure!

Monday, June 7, 2010

When it rains, it pours

First of all, our dog is back home!! In the weirdest twist, the day after I passed fliers out to all the neighbors' mailboxes, the dog was mysteriously spotted on the interstate (which is not that far from the house).  I still think someone took him, and maybe panicked when realizing that we were very actively looking for him and let him go.  Whatever.  He's home now... I can go back to not liking him again! Yay!

Meanwhile, our house seems to be rebelling against us.  The AC went out (actually the coils froze) Monday.  We thawed the coils and cleaned them really well.  Sunday... frozen again! ACK!  Nothing like having 2 little boys in a house that's 85 degrees to make a great afternoon! Oh and did I mention that the hubby was bringing his daughter home (2 hours one way) and wasn't home to rescue me?  Then, when bathing the boys last night, I shut the water off and the handle snapped off in my hand.  Yes folks, apparently I don't know my own strength... I broke metal.  Go me!  And of course we have to break down a wall to access the damn thing. 

Anything else? Should I even ask?!

Friday, June 4, 2010


This is Eli:

Just looking at that little face makes me so happy... and sad. How fast he's growing up!  And because my husband we have decided not to have any more kids, every milestone Eli reaches is met with a mix of elation for him and severe sadness for me.  I just can't imagine never seeing the look of excitement in a baby's face the first time they can reach their toy, or getting to see them sit up by themselves for the first time, or... well you get the picture.  It doesn't help that I have friends who are pregnant right now that I'm now vicariously living through. 

The funny thing is, I would probably really lose my mind if I had another kid right now.  I mean let's face it, I'm already taking Barney pills (i.e. Zoloft... my husband calls them Barney pills, you know, cause they make me all "I love you, you love me") from my last pregnancy.  Not to mention that I would now be *gasp* over 35 making it an at risk pregnancy and I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy...

My brain knows it's a bad idea.  Now to just convince my heart...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our dog

Well, our dog is missing.  He's my son's (and husband's) very best friend... and now he's gone.  I really don't like him, but now that he's gone I feel like one of my kids is missing.  What's worse is we think someone stole him... he's a brown doberman, and I'm afraid someone took him either to fight to as bait for a fighting dog.  *Sigh*  Why would someone do such a cruel thing? I mean really... I just want to find the person and kick their ass! They've caused such turmoil in my life... ass monkeys!! 
I just keep wondering if they're taking care of him (doubtful) and loving him the way we do.  And then I get sad.  I think I need more Zoloft...  What if we really never find him?  Is this something you should report to the police?  UGH!  I haven't felt so... confused... in quite some time.

Come home Neo... we miss you!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My little four eyes

Well, we went to the eye doctor with Riley this past week, and he needs glasses.  A 2 year old with glasses?! My first question was how the hell am I supposed to convince a two year old to keep them on.  We picked them up Friday, and I got my answer... you don't have to if he sees better with them.  By the end of the weekend, he was more than willing to wear them.  Watching him walk with them for the first time was amusing to say the least... he can see the cracks in the pavement! Apparently the poor kid couldn't see them before... he kept trying to step over them all until I told him it was ok to walk on the cracks.  My dad says he looks like the kid from Jerry Macguire, which makes me a little sad for him, but the glasses are cute!  So now I have a little four-eyes...

Maybe I should get him a mohawk to make him look a little cooler... :0)

In other news, went to get Eli out of his crib, and there he was, STANDING in his crib, grinning the biggest, most proud grin.  ACK!  I'm not ready for him to stand... or crawl, sit, not need mama anymore... They just are growing up so fast!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My husband's job is driving ME crazy!

My husband works really hard at his job. And I understand that he's in charge and all that. But he's the one who is supposed to pick the boys up from daycare so that I can get supper ready. Invariably, at least once a week (more lately), he calls me at the last possible minute to tell me he's gonna be late and needs me to pick up the boys. Which is fine, but he chooses the very moment when I'm passing the turn to daycare to tell me this. Oh and says he may need me to pick them up. MAYBE?! Either YES or NO... I'm at a critical turn here!!! Ugh. Then he gets mad cause I'm yelling, "YES OR NO ALREADY!!!" I'm not the calmest person... So now it's MY job to pick up the kids. And make supper. And do laundry, and feed them, change them, get them up in the morning, ... WTF? When did I become a single mom? And what's bad, is I know for a fact that he helps out way more than other dads. Sigh. Being a mom can be really tiring sometimes.

But then I see Riley dance around the house, singing in his little voice incoherant words that only he understands. And Eli sits up by himself for the first time, and scoots around everywhere. And they laugh their little hearts out while the dog chases them down and licks the crap out of them. And then I remember why I do all this...

As Riley would say... "Oh well"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yeah right

I thought I could actually keep up with this blogging thing! HA! After the baby was born the house turned into a chaotic madhouse, complete with the resident lunatic (me). As if gestational diabetes wasn't quite enough, I had (have?) a bout with postpartum depression that made me an anxiety ridden bitch. Ok, so I'm an anxiety ridden bitch anyways, but it was infinity worse! So here I am, 8 months later, wondering where the time has gone. Away, that's where. And I'm now wishing for just one more baby... am I smoking crack!?! I think so... Cause clearly a 35 year old crazy mother of 2 (one 2 year old and one 8 month old) should NOT want another baby! But my friends are all preggo again, and it makes me long for that new exciting feeling you get when you know that you're gonna be bringing another little soul into the world. Fresh, new and not tainted by your rantings. You know what I mean? So while my heart is longing, my head (and my tired husband) tell me no way. Actually my husband's exact words were "if you say that again, I'm sticking it in your butt." Hmph. Nuff said.