Friday, June 4, 2010


This is Eli:

Just looking at that little face makes me so happy... and sad. How fast he's growing up!  And because my husband we have decided not to have any more kids, every milestone Eli reaches is met with a mix of elation for him and severe sadness for me.  I just can't imagine never seeing the look of excitement in a baby's face the first time they can reach their toy, or getting to see them sit up by themselves for the first time, or... well you get the picture.  It doesn't help that I have friends who are pregnant right now that I'm now vicariously living through. 

The funny thing is, I would probably really lose my mind if I had another kid right now.  I mean let's face it, I'm already taking Barney pills (i.e. Zoloft... my husband calls them Barney pills, you know, cause they make me all "I love you, you love me") from my last pregnancy.  Not to mention that I would now be *gasp* over 35 making it an at risk pregnancy and I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy...

My brain knows it's a bad idea.  Now to just convince my heart...

1 comment:

  1. OMG-- that picture of your adorable son makes ME want to have kids. That picture is just darling!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog today :) I would update my profile on match, but I'm 99% sure they don't even read it. Most of the guys that contact me are everything I said I don't want hahah.

    Following you now :) Love your humor!

    aka, fickle white woman
